Monday, April 20, 2009

House President Stuff

Dear House Members,

I have not been posting here too much because my mid-semester activities were very redundant (but not in a bad way!) I was working every week meeting with managers, preparing for House Council, meeting with House Members about issues or concerns, etc.

However, this week has been very different and I have been busy preparing for elections.
- Sending out election info
- Gathering the list of candidates
- Meeting with candidates
- Meeting with managers and the house (council) to discuss the new ballot
- Making the new ballot
- Collecting speeches to be sent out via listserv to the House
- Printing and preparing for speeches

Please remember that Speeches will take place Tuesday night 4/21 at Dinner. Please arrive promptly. We will be sending out the speeches via email, but in-face communication is much better, so if you can make it, please join us.

Also another heads up is that we will be having another round of VOCs in a few weeks!



Sunday, April 12, 2009

Sherman Bakes

I just started a baking blog for the house- you all (hopefully) got an email about it a few minutes ago. It's called Sherman Bakes, and it's a place to share your favorite recipes. If you want to contribute, let me know, and I'll add you to the list. Feel free to post general cooking recipes too!

What I've Been Doing

Since spring break I've been doing the same ol' same ol': reimbursements, paying bills, etc.

Things of note: been getting calls from people either boarding or wanting to move in. I've shown the house around a bit.

Reimbursed Sarah to the tune of $900 for our new grill. That's exciting.

Paid a few bills right after spring break. I believe they were internet and at&t. Yesterday I paid cable.

Reimbursed Keighley and Evan for music and story night expenses. We have a good amount of money (about $1200 I think) for special dinner. That's a lot.

Monday, April 6, 2009

More KM I the only one writing here now :)

-Elections coming up soon. Explained @ council what we do, our comp, our hrs., etc.

-Went to KM mtg. on the 31st. We voiced our concerns with CK like how we aren't told til the day of that some foods aren't coming or how the food ordering system is kinda antiquated or how they should change the way CK workshifts are chosen so we don't have a problem like what happened last semester.

-Special Dinner sign-ups going up soon; when we know date.

-Talked w/Shivani about how if we want mops people MUST clean them proper. Otherwise it'll all be a wash (pun intended) and the mops will have to be tossed.

-Might be getting new boarder through CO. Yay more hrs! Massage shift, anyone? Will it happen?

Monday, March 9, 2009

KM stuff from Mar 3-Mar9

-Maggie and I met with the FSC Andrew for our KM evals. Maggie talked to him Tuesday and I spoke with him Wednesday.

-Read through the VOCs. Looked mostly good. A couple of comments seemed too harsh on a personal level rather than on our skills as managers. There was one woman who was particularly offended that we asked her to make something that she wanted to purchase (she didn't specify what or who told her; granola? hummus? salsa?), and that it was like asking her to make bread...we're not sure who wrote this but we know many people in this house who make their own delicious bread to share on a weekly basis :)

-Seriously though, if you ever feel either of us is too harsh/rude/uncooperative with you, talk to one of us if you're comfortable or talk to Natalie, who is a conflict mediator. Or talk to Minoo at CO, who's the conflict resolution person there. It is confidential and no one in the house will know that you specifically talked to her.

-I've been trying to drop off non-perish orders on Sunday afternoons rather than Monday mornings. I know Maggie takes care of produce fairly early in the week.

-Food prices fluctuating like mad on everything. One week I tell folks something's too expensive and the next week we can afford it. If I ever tell you something is too expensive, it usually means it's too expensive THAT week or we've filled our budget quota (if you will) for the week and we can get it sometime in the near future. Or if you find it cheap at Safeway, get it. But talk to Christine or one of us first.

-We're hoping to meet with the cooks soon about how non-menu cooking is going. I'll try to talk to all the cooks this week to get a feel for that.

-And I swear even more lunchmeat than before is coming on the week of the 16th.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

This Week's Activities

- went to house council, discussed SF Chron subscription. We decided to keep the paper and charge every member at most $4 a semester. I'm considering allowing people to opt into a system in which I keep $4 from their key deposit. People who have already lost their keys will have to turn in $4, and people who lose their keys before they leave will owe me an extra $4. This might make the collection 1) easier and 2) less grumble-worthy.
- paid the Megapath bill by phone with my card, reimbursed myself (121.67)
- met with Monique for central level evaluation
- went to central level managers' meeting
- paid at&t bill (22.08) on 3/6, bill due by 3/20
- reimbursed Sarah (food/supplies: 63.88, social: 160.11)
- reimbursed Keighley (32.02)
- posted about 10-15 flyers
- cleaned up bulletin board area
- cleaned white boards

Friday, March 6, 2009

Response to VOCs

Thank you all for doing VOCs, especially for leaving comments. This really helps me keep myself in check and pinpoint my weaknesses. I feel good with my results, but if you ever feel like I'm overlooking something, please let me know.

I'd like to take a moment to respond to a few comments.

1. "christine is a really good house manager. i'll be sad to see her go. i just hope she takes an active role in training the new manager so that they may do as good a job as she has done."

I am actively looking for new house managers, as I will not be continuing in the summer and won't be here for fall. If you are interested, let me know so that I can explain the job, the perks and show you what I do in a typical week. Also, I'd like to start training my predecessor early and I hope to compile a training manual by May. Ask me about my job!

2. "
At night, the house is a little too loud. Please ask people to respect other people's needs to study and to follow quiet hours. "

This is the most common comment I get at VOCs, which is ironic considering how strict I am about silence when I am trying to sleep or study. I know that I don't enforce quiet hours all the time, and this is largely due to the fact that I am not in the room during quiet hours violations. The best way I can improve in this area is to hear from the people affected. Is there always someone on her cellphone outside your room at 2 a.m.? I hate that too, come talk to me. Someone playing the piano while you're trying to study? Loud voices in the bathroom? These are all things I can deal with if you feel uncomfortable approaching someone else. Find me in the house--I'm usually in my room.

I will talk more about VOCs at the next house council.

Budget Update

- House: $8,036.96
- Food: $3,551.69
- Bank: $3,023.24
(will be making deposits next week)
- Social: $1387.67 (room to room cost 192.13)

Previous budget update.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

KM stuff from Feb 22-Mar 3

-On Feb 23, we had a KM's meeting @ Wilde. It was a meeting on budgeting. But we talked with them about how we're moving away from menus. The Davis KMs were there and we had a discussion about how much food they've been borrowing.

-I (Esme) have been trying to buy more lunchmeat, which hopefully should be evident starting this month.

-We've been talking to some houses about possibly trading SOME of our Acme bread. Trading would mean actually getting something else from them and not just us giving away our bread.

-We passed kitchen inspection! Yay! These are the thing we should be improving on/fixing (in regards to his comments and the BSC member inspection):

*Provide routine cleaning behind cooking equipments.

*Install a doorsweep to the back door gate.

*Routinely clean tea/vitamin cabinet.

*Provide a towel dispenser in the dining room and maybe a new one for the 1st floor bathroom.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Recent doings and goings-on

Stuff I did this last week:
- bought drinks and supplies for the party
- set up the house for the party and organized room openings and security
- threw the party
- performed all security positions that were unfilled or not fulfilled
- cleaned up after the party

Hopefully this experience will make it easier for me to avoid, spot, and fix problems with parties in the future.

This week I have to:
- update social hours
- plan for St. Patrick's Day FEAST!
- make posters for upcoming TRON Movie Night and St. Paddy's Day
- book Sunol campsite, set dates for camping meetings