Friday, March 6, 2009

Response to VOCs

Thank you all for doing VOCs, especially for leaving comments. This really helps me keep myself in check and pinpoint my weaknesses. I feel good with my results, but if you ever feel like I'm overlooking something, please let me know.

I'd like to take a moment to respond to a few comments.

1. "christine is a really good house manager. i'll be sad to see her go. i just hope she takes an active role in training the new manager so that they may do as good a job as she has done."

I am actively looking for new house managers, as I will not be continuing in the summer and won't be here for fall. If you are interested, let me know so that I can explain the job, the perks and show you what I do in a typical week. Also, I'd like to start training my predecessor early and I hope to compile a training manual by May. Ask me about my job!

2. "
At night, the house is a little too loud. Please ask people to respect other people's needs to study and to follow quiet hours. "

This is the most common comment I get at VOCs, which is ironic considering how strict I am about silence when I am trying to sleep or study. I know that I don't enforce quiet hours all the time, and this is largely due to the fact that I am not in the room during quiet hours violations. The best way I can improve in this area is to hear from the people affected. Is there always someone on her cellphone outside your room at 2 a.m.? I hate that too, come talk to me. Someone playing the piano while you're trying to study? Loud voices in the bathroom? These are all things I can deal with if you feel uncomfortable approaching someone else. Find me in the house--I'm usually in my room.

I will talk more about VOCs at the next house council.

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