Friday, January 16, 2009

Social updates

Hey all!

This is Keighley, your social manager! Here's a look at what I've been up to and what you all have to look foward to...

Right now I am focusing on getting the social calendar up and running. So far events I have planned include the welcome home tea party on saturday January 17th at 1 pm, a game night on tuesday the 21st around 7:30, and wine and cheese night on friday the 23rd at 8:30. Hopefully I will figure out soon how to put the social calendar online, and I will post a few copies around the house when I get a new printer ink cartridge.

Also, once everyone fills out the social survey (which I will send out after the first house council), I will add more events and set down more dates for future events.

If you have any ideas for events you know you want to have or throw, holla at a playa! You can email me at or, or just find me wandering around the house.

I am also currently working on making the social board pretty and up-to-date, so check that out (top of the stairs) for upcoming events. Be sure to post any events you are involved or interested in on the board!

I am trying to be able to be present at House Council on sunday, I'm currently entangled in a schedule snafu (sp?). Hopefully the comedy club I have non-refundable tickets for will have mercy on me and let me exchange them...

Hope everyone is having fun moving back in! See you all soon!

- Keighley McFarland

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