Friday, January 9, 2009

(Potential) Activities

Here's what Maggie and I will need to do or should get done between now and the 18th. You all are free to add to this if I forgot things or you have better suggestions; Kimber and I went through this fast and with lots of help back in Aug so I may have forgot some steps. These are not in any particular order:
*clean under the veggie sink
*mop floors - I already did some sweeping last night (along with dishes
that folks have been leaving), but there's more to be done
*get rid of ants! - Yes we have some. It's winter, it's a given they will come in.
They're near the dining room compost and the metal/plastic recycling bin,
not in kitchen as far as I've found. They're nowhere near as bad as last year's ants.
Last year, they were in or near our tea, coffee, microwave, milk machine,
and some were found near the spices.
But we need more Raid or other bug spray.
*buy new plates, bowls, cups, and mugs - We should do an Ikea run
(or Costco, my aunt found cheap plates there, but not too microwave friendly)
*inventory (esp. staple foods like flour and sugar) MUST DO BY THE 11TH!!!
since orders are due 8am-ish on the 12th
*clean all the shelves that hold the big containers
*clean the fruit baskets
*clean the cereal holders - the 2 empty ones were already done
*throw away old food from fridges, freezers (those bags of meat!), and
dry goods' cabinets -There's not as much as you'd think.
Kimber was pretty good about ordering few veggies near the end there.
Yes, many people suffered during finals but it made the clean-up easy :)
*clean/sanitize fridges and freezers (including racks)
*clean the oven racks, stove tops, and griddle;
changing the foil under the stove
*come up with menus for about 2 weeks worth by the 11th
*organize container rack
*put in new milk machine before the 13th - or before milk gets delivered,
whatever comes sooner

At council we'll need to vote on:
*dinner time
*brunch (yes or no, then time if "yes" wins)
Our standing milk order will take awhile to change if there is a change.

Anything else to add? Sorry that it's super long.


  1. I can help with some clean-up when I get there.

    Also, we need chopsticks from our Ikea run. They're not a necessity, but they help when we run out of forks.

    Also, don't feel like you have do all of this cleaning alone. Grab the people who are around and ask them to help.

    As for the personal food fridge, I dumped a lot of stuff in there, but it might need another dump and a clean.

  2. Thanks for the heads up about the chopsticks.

    We were gonna wait for a few days when more people are back to do big things like the milk machine, the old meat, and the fridge/freezer clean.

    Maggie and I went through all the fridges this morn except the personal one and threw away stuff. A few people have unmarked shit in there since there was about 3 people around for break. But we wrote a note saying to mark it ASAP or it's gonna be gone soon.

    And the ants are mostly gone! Yay! Still need some Raid or something similar.
