Saturday, February 28, 2009

Week's Activities

- ran reimbursements and boarders' money to CO
- went to managers' meeting
- paid Megapath bill on my debit card, will reimburse today (121.65)
- received next Megapath bill, being paid today (WTF, Megapath?)
- reimbursing Sarah today for maintenance stuff, Netflix, and such (100 something)
- emailed Monique about meeting up for my central level evaluation
- finally got info from Heather at CO about how to order furniture. Rooms N and O both lack bed frames. I'm going to try to order 2 of them, but room N is weird because it's a big mattress (queen, double?) and I don't know if I can order a frame that size. Also, CO sucks.

Monday, February 23, 2009

House President Activities Feb 8-23

Week of Feb 8-14
- Prepared and held manager's meeting
- Compiled bulletin and discussion points from managers
- Prepared for House Council- set up little board thingy
- Put Bulletin Points up around the house
- Attended House Presidents Meeting with Central 2/5/08

Week of Feb 15-21 and Feb 22, 23
- Prepared for manager's meeting on 2/23
- Administered and sent out instructions to House regarding Votes of Confidence
- Sent house emails regarding campus safety and the ASUC recall election.

Full Belly Farm Availabilities

Your browser may not support display of this image.Hey eaters! Just wanted to let you know that we have access to some straight-from-Farmers'-Market produce availability now more than ever. Here are some of the items available for purchase. Let us know what strikes your fancy!

Full Belly Farm

CCOF Certified Organic since 1986

ROOTS–$30 in 25# bags

Gold Turnips

Celery Root Rutabagas

Red Daikon Carrots

LEEKS – $30/20#

King Richard – longer white shank with green leaves

Tadorna Blue – fatter white shank with blue leaves

Chioggia Beets – $30/24 ct (medium size roots

Broccoli – $22/18 lb. (bunched spears)

Loose Spinach – $12/ 4-lb. box

Fennel – $30/2-doz bunches

Green Cabbage – $25/35#

Fresh Onions – $24/2-doz bunches

Carrots – $34/2-doz bunches

Rosemary – $10/doz

Wheat Berries, Federation – $2.50 in 2-lb bags (More than 2# – $1.00/lb.)

Corn Meal – $2.50 in a 1 ½ # bag

5 lb for $7.50 or 10 lb for $15. 20 lb. or more is $1.20/lb.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Party prep, nightlife

Crazy week for me personally. Things I have done in the past week:
- Put up room sign-up and security sign-up sheets for Time Warp on social board
- Made flyer, made colorful copies @ CO
- Completed and submitted to CO BSC Party Notification Forms
- Added Christina's and Erika's events to google calendar
- Made tons of hummus (not exactly social manger duties, but delicious)
- Bought, printed out, and reimbursed people for Nightlife tickets
- Composed and emailed camping survey
- Made small adjustments to google calendar
- Told people to move crap out of hallway so we don't fail the party fire inspection
- Didn't sleep enough

Upcoming stuff:
- Be present for party fire inspection
- Hopefully get speaker system from neighboring co-op since ours sucks
- Finalize r2r room openings and themes, organize order of openings
- Get more people to sign up as security and clean up (it's a bucket o fun, people!)
- Buy food, drink, and decoration supplies for Time Warp
- Decorate downstairs
- Party hard

Week's Activities

- emailed with Disability Access Coordinator re: sex and disability forum at Sherman
- paid New York Times bill (31.81)
- paid Comcast bill (13.79)
- emailed Heather at CK to finally find out how to order furniture. Once this is accomplished, I can reimburse people for appliance purchases (like a new blender and shredder).
- collected fees from new members
- reimbursed Keighley for Nightlife ($35)
- showed a potential member the open spot, but she wasn't digging it
- got a past due notice from Megapath. I've been expecting that bill for a while now, and it seems they've been really flaky the past few months (Out of the past four bills, I've received one. Yes, 1). I will phone and pay by credit card tomorrow and then reimburse myself.

Monday, February 16, 2009

KM things

-Had a cooks mtg. this past week. We discussed the pros and cons of using menus and how we're one of the few houses that still do use them. It sounded like several of the cooks would be more willing to work sans menus. We had a few cooks that didn't show. Most told us why, but a couple haven't talked with us even after we sent emails. But the cooks in general have been great with improvising and being flexible. And it seems like they're doing a better job with getting food out on time.

-Talked to/sent emails a few cooks about some flubs in menus (like missing protein dishes or using too much of a certain item in several dishes in one night).

-CK was closed today so we ordered a bunch of extra stuff to come for Friday.

-Still talking to CK about the inconsistencies with dairy (like deliveries coming on Saturdays without any kind of advanced notice, etc.). They still haven't gotten a dairy person yet even though applications were due last week and several people applied.

-I got a new cereal holder that a lot of people like (I think for the novelty factor...). But it leaves a mess that can majorly attract ants and it crushes the cereal when it comes out so I might turn it back in.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Budget Update

House is $8,567.71
Social is $1,574.80
Bank is same ($3,657.86)
Food is $3,117.15 surplus

Still no new bank statement. I'm planning on balancing the checkbook once the new statement comes.

Previous budget update

Week's Activities

- bank run. deposited $789.95
- received keys back from Jackie and Kate. Kept Jackie's deposit because she lost a key. Released Kate's.
- moved in Alyse and Alison on Thursday. Showed them rooms, gave them keys.
- went to BSC house managers' meeting
- paid January AT&T bill. It was bigger than usual ($43.23) because the previous month had not been paid. The day after I sent in the check, I found the December bill in my mailbox. Odd. But everything is okay; don't worry.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Unfortunately the Academy of Sciences Nightlife for this week sold out, but we are still on to go next week. I have yet to recieve money from all but one person... But we are still planning on about the same schedule (leaving around 530 from the house and taking public transport). I also want to see if any drivers would be willing to go, which would save time and money and fun.

The party theme has also been finalized: Time Warp!

I'll be organizing room themes, decorating, and supply buying in the next 2 weeks, as well as assigning social hours for party set-up, security, and clean-up. I still have yet to figure out exactly what to do with the post-r2r music situation, and whether I should find someone to dj or try to assign social hours for guarding the ipod playlist. Also, I need to make a good and updated music playlist (and am open to help/input from the house...)

This week I am checking out the house to make sure it is up to fire code and will be filling out the party notification form and dropping it off at CO by friday. I also have to design a poster for the party and submit that too.

I'll be working on a rought script for a skit to liven up house council too... Get excited, Sherman.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Budget Update

Bank = $3,657.86
House = $9,830.40 (less than last time because of manager comp)
Social = about $1,535

New bank statement has not arrived yet.

Previous Budget Update

Week's Activities

This past week I...
- collected all social and internet fees
- talked to a member re: warm-blooded animals in the coops
- went to house council
- sent bulletin points to Natalie for the crappers
- talked to Shivani about a workshift
- gave an interested person an house tour and encouraged her to board/room at Sherman
- reimbursed Keighley for social stuff ($2.71)
- endorsed a shitload of checks, readied deposits for the bank tomorrow

Tomorrow I'm going to the bank, but we won't see the change in our bank statement until next month.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

KM shiznit

Kitchen budget ~$2900

Evan is boarding with us again. We're charging him $800 for starting on Feb 2; this comes from $560 being the Sherman person rate (I can explain this to anyone who would like an explanation) and the remaining comes from the 1.5 hrs of workshift per wk that we'll be losing from a non-workshifter boarding. It should technically be 3 hrs BUT Maggie and I felt it ludicrous to charge $1100 for the semester, esp. since Kim only charged him $650 last semester.

Guilia's sister most likely will board with doing workshift. We're gonna charge her $300 if she starts Monday. Again, I can explain my rates to anyone who wants to know.

A lot of my job is behind the scenes. My main duties are:
-ordering food on the CK system on Sundays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays, plus turning in sheets to CK personally on Mondays
-going to meetings
-sending emails (this is how we've been trying to get boarders) and communicating with CK about lost/incorrect orders
-creating menus: Maggie and I split it half and half - she takes a few days and I take a few to work on

Whenever I'm around at dinner I check on the cooks at least once during the middle of their shift to see if they need help. If cooks haven't done so I put meat to defrost in the fridge or soak beans. Or Maggie does this, whoever gets to it first. I put out plates and silverware if that hasn't been done already. I've been on pest-clean-up duty this weekend, getting rid of ants from our bread area. I try to find things to clean or clear here and there.

This Week's Activities

- Monday: Conducted manager's meeting. Went very well
- Prepared House Bulletin, put them around the house
-Prepared Discussion Points/Agenda for House Council
- Doing more prep for tonight's house council
-Spoke to a house member about basement reservation

I **think** that is all.