Monday, February 16, 2009

KM things

-Had a cooks mtg. this past week. We discussed the pros and cons of using menus and how we're one of the few houses that still do use them. It sounded like several of the cooks would be more willing to work sans menus. We had a few cooks that didn't show. Most told us why, but a couple haven't talked with us even after we sent emails. But the cooks in general have been great with improvising and being flexible. And it seems like they're doing a better job with getting food out on time.

-Talked to/sent emails a few cooks about some flubs in menus (like missing protein dishes or using too much of a certain item in several dishes in one night).

-CK was closed today so we ordered a bunch of extra stuff to come for Friday.

-Still talking to CK about the inconsistencies with dairy (like deliveries coming on Saturdays without any kind of advanced notice, etc.). They still haven't gotten a dairy person yet even though applications were due last week and several people applied.

-I got a new cereal holder that a lot of people like (I think for the novelty factor...). But it leaves a mess that can majorly attract ants and it crushes the cereal when it comes out so I might turn it back in.

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