Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Party prep, nightlife

Crazy week for me personally. Things I have done in the past week:
- Put up room sign-up and security sign-up sheets for Time Warp on social board
- Made flyer, made colorful copies @ CO
- Completed and submitted to CO BSC Party Notification Forms
- Added Christina's and Erika's events to google calendar
- Made tons of hummus (not exactly social manger duties, but delicious)
- Bought, printed out, and reimbursed people for Nightlife tickets
- Composed and emailed camping survey
- Made small adjustments to google calendar
- Told people to move crap out of hallway so we don't fail the party fire inspection
- Didn't sleep enough

Upcoming stuff:
- Be present for party fire inspection
- Hopefully get speaker system from neighboring co-op since ours sucks
- Finalize r2r room openings and themes, organize order of openings
- Get more people to sign up as security and clean up (it's a bucket o fun, people!)
- Buy food, drink, and decoration supplies for Time Warp
- Decorate downstairs
- Party hard

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